ADImport Rule Corruption caused error, "An error occurred while retrieving import rules from the Directory Web service"
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ADImport Rule Corruption caused error, "An error occurred while retrieving import rules from the Directory Web service"


Article ID: 176624


Updated On:


IT Management Suite


When attempting to open the page for Active Directory Import Rules under Actions tab > Discover> Import Microsoft Active Directory, the following error occurs:

An error occurred while retrieving import rules from the Directory web service.


SMP 8.x


Corruption of one of the AD Import Rules.


Identify if one of the AD Import Rules is failing to load. You may need to do a Profile trace or look at the NS logs for possible rule reference. You may not see any errors but make sure that you look for AD Import Rules that appear twice and with the same GUID.

If you noticed multiple AD Rules with the same GUID or errors referring to a specific GUID, run the following query on Query Analyzer to see all the available AD Import Rules:

select * from vitem where classguid = 'B2378265-2779-49E6-998D-8BE620B3D9D9'

Then you may need to disable all the AD Import Rules since the issue may be related to a corrupted AD Import Rule. Use the following query:

update item
set ProductUninstalled =1
where guid in (
select guid from itemclass
where ClassGuid = 'B2378265-2779-49E6-998D-8BE620B3D9D9' )

The above query sets all the AD Import Rules as uninstalled or disabled.

After disabling all the AD Import Rules, try to open the Microsoft Active Directory page in the Altiris Console. Verify that it opens without the reported error message. Then try to create a new test AD Import Rule just to verify that it doesn't get corrupted.

You may need to create all new AD Import Rules since one of the previous ones at least seems to be corrupted.

In case that you want to recover most of your AD Import Rules, run the following query to enable the AD Import Rules one by one until you found which one caused the issue:

update item
set ProductUninstalled =0
where guid in (
select guid from itemclass
where ClassGuid = 'B2378265-2779-49E6-998D-8BE620B3D9D9' )

Note: Use the query from step 2 to find all the GUIDs that need to have the ProductUninstalled value changed.