NS Agent for Unix, Linux and Macintosh commands and command-line parameters
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NS Agent for Unix, Linux and Macintosh commands and command-line parameters


Article ID: 176609


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Client Management Suite IT Management Suite


What are the command-line parameters for various UNIX binaries?

Note that elevated privileges (sudo, etc.) may be required to see and use all options.


Notifications Server 8.x


NOTE: These commands below have been included in the Altiris Diagnostic Agent Tasks: KB 181029.

(Note: See links to related articles, below.)


# ./aex-bootstrap -h
aex-bootstrap - Usage:

        aex-bootstrap [options]

   Version 2.0.

This program will get all files at a URL/NS Package into the specified directory. It can also be used to download a file from a URL (see -onefile option). When started with no NS/URL argument, configuration must be provided in an XML file present in the same directory, or (in the case of a automatic reschedule) at one of the standard locations.

Generic options:

  • --help, -h -   Display this usage information and exit immediately.
  • -v -               Display Agent's full version and name.
  • --version -    Display version of the application.

Specific options:

  • <NS|URL> - arg 1 = name of Notification Server, URL of a package or file. If the Notification Server is configured to work with the non-default port, it is desirable to provide the full URL info. Example: https://www.altiris.com:3476 -test - output version
  • -dir <dir> - specify Agent installation directory
  • -speedlimit <N> - limit download to n KB/sec
  • -onefile - URL is for a single file, download to current directory, no other action.



# ./aex-configure -h
Altiris Agent for UNIX and Linux Configuration utility.


  • aex-configure [options]
  • aex-configure <command> [command-options]


  • --help, -h -   Display this usage information and exit immediately.
  • -v -              Display Agent's full version and name.
  • --version -   Display version of the application.


  • -clean         Remove aex-configure created files prior to uninstall.
  • -configure  Automatically configure/upgrade an installation from an XML config file.
  • -iconfigure  Interactively configure/reconfigure an installation ignoring any XML file.
  • help           Display help on the specified command

Run 'aex-configure help <command>' to learn more information on how to use certain commands.

# aex-diagnostics -h
Agent diagnostics tool - Usage:

        aex-diagnostics [options]

Collect diagnostics information from the agent and its plug-ins

Generic options:

  • --help, -h -   Display this usage information and exit immediately.
  • -v -              Display Agent's full version and name.
  • --version -   Display version of the application.

Specific options:

  • -com -           Diagnose the default set of plugins
  • -com <ids> - Diagnose the specified components
  • -log -             Dump the contents of the log file


No parameters



#./aex-filesurveyor -h
FileSurveyor Utility

  Usage: ./aex-filesurveyor [options]

       --help, -h, -? : Display this usage information and exit immediately.
       -v : Display full version and name information.
       --version : Display version of the FileSurveyor Utility.
       -c <config file> : A user-specified cfg file name
       -f : Set file mode
       -m : Enables scanning of the mounted partitions (by default disabled) - NOTE: This option has not been implemented.
       -p : A user-specified product file
       -x <dir1>...<dirN>] : Specify a list of directories to be excluded during the scan


Hard removal of ULM Agent on MacOS

  Usage: ./aex-uninstall [options]

       -d Displays confirmation dialog box before performing the removal of the agent.
       -f  Performs uninstallation silently, force remove, do not ask to continue.

Use the hard removal if the installation of ULM Agent is corrupted and you need to remove it completely from the operating system. Note that this is
not the recommended use. Use it only if normal uninstall does not work.



# aex-helper -h

  • aex-helper [options]
  • aex-helper <command> [command-options]

Command line utility for working with Altiris Agent for UNIX and Linux.


  • --help, -h -   Display this usage information and exit immediately.
  • -v -               Display Agent's full version and name.
  • --version -    Display version of the application.


  • adddep      Register dependencies between solutions.



aex-helper adddep <Solution> <Dependency>


Register a dependency between two solutions <Solution> and <Dependency>. This is needed to correctly handle uninstallation of solutions. When <Dependency> will be uninstalled, the dependant <Solution> will be uninstalled as well.

  • agent         Perform various tasks with the UNIX Agent.



aex-helper agent <Command>


Communicate with the Altiris Unix Agent and run various Agent tasks. Please note that this command requires a running agent.





Send the basic inventory to Notification Server.




Refresh policies from the Notification Server.




Send uninstall events to Notification Server. Call this command to make host unmanaged.


-s <Section> <Key> <Value>

--set-value <Section> <Key> <Value>

Modify agent configuration in runtime. This function allows to change agent settings without having to edit the client.conf file and restart the agent.  Some options still require to restart the agent, for more details see specific option comment in client.conf file.


-g <Section> <Key>

--get-value <Section> <Key>

Obtain agent's runtime configuration setting value.



Start the Altiris Agent service.



Stop the Altiris Agent service.



Restart the Altiris Agent service.

  • changerc   Change properties of registered RC services.



aex-helper changerc <Action> [action-specific options]





adddep <RC-script> <dep>

Make the specified registered <RC-script> depend on another RC-script <dep>. The dependency should not necessarily be registered within the Altiris Agent.

  • check        Check whether the Altiris Agent for UNIX and Linux is running.



aex-helper check [options]


Check whether the Symantec Management Agent for UNIX, Linux and Mac is running.







[optional] Generate no output.

  • clean         Clean items from the XML registry.




aex-helper clean <ContainerName> <ItemType> [options]


Clean certain items from the XML registry (default namespace).





All items reside in group containers. Items of the same type

may reside in different containers.



Type of the item to remove from the container. There may be

items of different types in a container.


-i <ItemID>

--id <ItemID>

[optional] ID of the item to be removed. If no ID is specified all items of the specified type will be removed from the specified container.  You may specify this option more than once.

  • help          Display help on the specified command.
  • info          Query agent for various information.



aex-helper info <info-type> [options]


Types of information:


config [options]

Displays full path to the client.conf file.




Specify this option to obtain the path of

the XML config file.


deps <Solution-Name>

Display the list of solutions which the given <Solution-Name>

depends on.


ns [options]

With no options, displays the name of the Notification Server, which the agent is currently assigned to.




Display version of the Notification Server.



Display base URL of the Notification Server.


resource [options]

With no options, displays all information about the resource information as reported to the Notification Server.




Display only the GUID of the resource.



Display only the resource type GUID.



Display only the name of the resource type.



Display only the resource keys.


os [options]

Displays information about the operating system.

Options (define what information to display):


Operating system name (default).


Operating system or Linux distribution version.


Linux distribution name, if possible.


Machine hardware type (architecture), if possible.


Processor type, if possible.


All information (-s -d -v -m -p).


path [options]

With no options, displays installation root of the Agent.


--subagent <Subagent-Ident>

-a <Subagent-Ident>

Display installation path of a subagent.

--solution <Solution-Name>

-s <Solution-Name>

Display installation root of a solution.


uninstall <Solution-Name>

Display the command that will be executed in order to uninstall solution <Solution-Name>.


error <Error-Code>

Display information about Base SDK AError code.



Display information about agent enrollment.

  • installrc     Install and register RC scripts.



aex-helper installrc <Path-To-Proto> <Path-To-Params> <RCScript-Name>






Absolute path to the RC script prototype. The prototype may contain the following macros:


Folder, in which the Agent is installed.



Absolute path to the Startup Parameters file prototype.



Name of the script. A file with the provided name will be created in the system's storage of startup (RC) scripts.

  • IPC          Tweak the Agent's IPC framework by adding and removing call context keys.



aex-helper ipc <Action> [action-specific options]


Tweak the Agent's IPC framework by adding and removing call context keys.




addkey <role> [options]

Generate a new IPC call context key.


-u <user>

Use the specified user name or ID for the created key.

-g <group>

Use the specified group name or ID for the created key.


delkey <role>

Remove an existing IPC call context key.

  • link           Create wrapper scripts and links for libraries and executables.



aex-helper link <Executable> [options]


Create a wrapper script that sets up the environment so that an executable could be run from any place. For example, the script will set the shared libraries search paths. Additionally, you may use this command to  create links for executables in the folder, which you selected while running aex-configure. Creating such links will allow running the executables without having to reference their full path. This implies that you have   chosen to create such links in aex-configure and the folder you specified is listed in the environment variable PATH.





Absolute path to the executable for which the wrapper script is to be created. The name of the executable must be in format '<path>/Executable-bin', The wrapper script will have name '<path>/Executable'. In case you choose to have a link as well, it will be named 'Executable' and point to the wrapper.


--libpath <Shared-Library-Folder>

-L <Shared-Library-Folder>

Add the specified folder to the shared libraries search path. You may specify this option more than once.


--path <Executables-Folder>

-P <Executables-Folder>

Add the specified folder to the executables search path. You may specify this option more than once.




Specify this option to create a link in the system folder selected from aex-configure. Note that if in aex-configure you chose not to have any links, this option will be ignored.


aex-helper link shlib <SharedLibPath>


Create a link for the specified shared library in the agent's shared libraries folder. The link name will be the file name of the <SharedLibPath>. <SharedLibPath> must be a full path.

  • list            List objects in the Agent's registry.



aex-helper list [what] [options]


Lists objects in the Agent's registry.


Supported object types: solution, subagent, plugin, uiplugin, role, all. If no object type is specified, 'all' is assumed.







Specify this flag to display extended information about the listed objects. By default only their names will be printed.


Show only objects with the specified name/ident.

  • query       Query agent for various information.



aex-helper query <info-type> [options]


Types of information:


config [options]

Displays full path to the client.conf file.




Specify this option to obtain the path of the XML config file.


deps <Solution-Name>

Display the list of solutions which the given <Solution-Name> depends on.


ns [options]

With no options, displays the name of the Notification Server, which the agent is currently assigned to.




Display version of the Notification Server.



Display base URL of the Notification Server.


resource [options]

With no options, displays all information about the resource information as reported to the Notification Server.




Display only the GUID of the resource.



Display only the resource type GUID.



Display only the name of the resource type.



Display only the resource keys.


os [options]

Displays information about the operating system.

Options (define what information to display):


Operating system name (default).


Operating system or Linux distribution version.


Linux distribution name, if possible.


Machine hardware type (architecture), if possible.


Processor type, if possible.


All information (-s -d -v -m -p).


path [options]

With no options, displays installation root of the Agent.


--subagent <Subagent-Ident>

-a <Subagent-Ident>

Display installation path of a subagent.

--solution <Solution-Name>

-s <Solution-Name>

Display installation root of a solution.


uninstall <Solution-Name>

Display the command that will be executed in order to uninstall solution <Solution-Name>.


error <Error-Code>

Display information about Base SDK AError code.



Display information about agent enrollment.

  • rc             Start, stop and list registered RC services.



aex-helper rc <Action> [action-specific options]





list [options]

List all registered RC services.




Display full information about about the RC scripts.


path <RCScript-Name>

Print the platform-specific path to the generated RC script.


deps <RCScript-Name>

Lists the direct dependencies of an RC script.


start <RCScript-Name> [options]

Start the specified RC script. Special name "all" means that all of the registered scripts should be started.


--file <Status-File>

-f <Status-File>

Select <RCScript-Name> from the <Status-File> instead of selecting it from the RC-scripts registry.


status <RCScript-Name> [options]

Check status of the specified RC script. Special name "all" means that all of the registered scripts should be checked.


--file <Status-File>

-f <Status-File>

Write names of the running services to the <Status-File>. This file may then be used when starting services.


stop <RCScript-Name> [options]

Stop the specified RC script. Special name "all" means that all of the registered scripts should be stopped.


--file <Status-File>

-f <Status-File>

Select <RCScript-Name> from the <Status-File> instead of selecting it from the RC-scripts registry.


startdeps <RCScript-Name>

Recursively start dependencies of the specified RC script.  If status of the dependency is "running", it will not be started again.


depsstop <RCScript-Name>

Recursively stop registered RC scripts that depend on the specified

RC script.

  • register     Add an object to the Agent's registry.



aex-helper register <object-type> [specific-options]


Object types:


plugin <Plugin-Class-ID> <Program-ID> <Full-Path-To-Plugin> [options]

Register a plugin.



ID that uniquely identifies the plugin.


ID of the program/solution to which the plugin belongs.


Full path to the shared library of the plugin.



Use this option to register a static plugin.


subagent <Ident> <GUID> <ProgId> <Subagent-Name> <Full-Version> <Build-Number> <Install-Path>

Register a subagent.



Unique ident string that identifies the subagent.


Unique GUID that identifies the subagent on the current platform.


Program ID that identifies the policy type accepted by the subagent.


Name that describes the subagent.


Full version of the subagent (including build number).


Build number of the subagent.


Full path to the subagent installation root folder. Usually this is the solution's installation root.


solution <Solution-Name> <Full-Version> <Build-Number> <Install-Path> <Uninstall-Command>

Register a solution.



Unique name that identifies the solution. Usually this is the name of the native package, in which the solution is distributed.


Full version of the subagent (including build number).


Build number of the subagent.


Full path to the solution's installation root folder.


The command that needs to be executed in order to uninstall the solution.


role <Role-Name>

Register a basic inventory role.


uiplugin <Full-Path-To-Plugin>

Register a plugin for the Mac Agent UI application.



Full path to the plugin bundle.


cliplugin <Full-Path-To-Plugin>

Register a plugin for accessing custom IPC interfaces from command line.



Full path to the plugin object.

  • uninstall     Uninstall solutions.



aex-helper uninstall <Solution-Name> [options]


Uninstall a solution.





The solution that must be uninstalled. Special name 'all' instructs helper to uninstall all of the solutions.





Uninstall the solutions that depend on the provided solution. If you do not specify this option and there are any such solutions, uninstalling the provided solution will fail. The flag is implied in case you want to uninstall all of solutions.




Do not actually uninstall any solutions, but rather list those that will have to be uninstalled.




Display commands that will be executed in order to uninstall the provided solution and (if needed) its dependants.

  • uninstallrc  Uninstall RC scripts.



aex-helper uninstallrc <RCScript-Name>


Uninstall an installed RC script from the system.





Name of the RC script. Use the same name that was given during the installation.

  • unlink        Remove wrapper scripts and links for libraries and executables.
  • unregister  Remove object from the Agent's registry.



aex-helper unregister <object-type>


Object types:


plugin <Plugin-Class-ID>

Unregister a plugin.



ID that uniquely identifies the plugin.


subagent <Subagent-Ident>

Unregister a subagent.



Ident string of the subagent.


solution <Solution-Name>

Unregister a solution.



Name of the solution. Usually this is the name of the native package, in which the solution was distributed.


role <Role-Name>

Unregister a basic inventory role.


uiplugin <UI-Plugin-Name>

Unregister a Mac Agent UI plug-in.


cliplugin <CLI-Plugin-Name>

Unregister a custom IPC interfaces CLI plug-in.

  • upgrade    Upgrade Notification Server Agent Plugin.



aex-helper upgrade <object-type>


Object types:


plugin <Plugin-Class-ID>

Upgrade a plugin. This action just forces the Plugin Manager to unload and unregister the old plugin so that you could register the new one.



ID that uniquely identifies the plugin.

Run 'aex-helper help <command>' to learn more information on how to use certain commands.



# aex-mkmanifest -h
Manifest File utility - Usage:

        aex-mkmanifest [options]

Create an SWD manifest file for a directory.

Generic options:

  • --help, -h - Display this usage information and exit immediately.
  • -v - Display Agent's full version and name.
  • --version - Display version of the applications.

Specific options:

  • -o <file> - Write output to <file> (defaults to ./aex-manifest.xml)
  • -s <dir> - Base directory for scanning (defaults to the current dir)


# aex-pluginmanager -h

Altiris Agent for UNIX and Linux Core


·        aex-pluginmanager [options]

Manages plug-ins, which do all the job.

Generic options:

·        --help, -h - Display this usage information and exit immediately.

·        -v - Display Agent's full version and name.

·        --version - Display version of the application.

Specific options:

·        -F - Work in the foreground mode

·        -D - Work in the background mode (default)

·        -nm - Do not start the monitor

·        -nc - Do not check if the agent is already running



# aex-refreshpolicies -h

Refresh policies from the Notification Server.


  • aex-refreshpolicies
  • aex-refreshpolicies [options]


  • --help, -h -  Display this usage information and exit immediately.
  • -v -             Display full version and name information about Agent.
  • --version -   Display full version of the Agent.




# aex-sendbasicinv -h

Send the basic inventory to Notification Server.


  • aex-sendbasicinv
  • aex-sendbasicinv [options]


  • --help, -h -   Display this usage information and exit immediately.
  • -v -               Display full version and name information about Agent.
  • --version -    Display full version of the Agent.

# aex-swdapm -h
Software Delivery Advertised Package Manager - Usage:

  • aex-swdapm [options]

Manual execution of Notification Server tasks and installation of packages.

Generic options:

  • --help, -h -    Display this usage information and exit immediately.
  • -v -               Display Agent's full version and name.
  • --version -    Display version of the application.

Specific options:

  • -np - Do not use paging mode, list all tasks at once.


# ./rcscript -h
rcscript: usage: rcscript: [start|stop|restart|status]