How do I get a .aex-agent-install-config.xml file in UNIX and Macintosh 6.2?
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How do I get a .aex-agent-install-config.xml file in UNIX and Macintosh 6.2?


Article ID: 176516


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IT Management Suite Notification Server Agent for Macintosh (Altiris) Notification Server Agent for Unix/Linux (Altiris)


How do I get a .aex-agent-install-config.xml file in UNIX and Macintosh? 


ITMS 8.x


The .aex-agent-install-config.xml download link was removed from the "show me this page" window on the Altiris agent rollout screen. Many end users could not access this page without Notification Server credentials.


To obtain a copy of the .aex-agent-install-config.xml file:


1.      Open the Notification Server console in a browser window (http://<mynsserver>/altiris/ns).

2.      Click the Configuration tab.

3.      Expend the left-hand menu by clicking the plus (+) signs next to Altiris Agent and Altiris Agent Rollout.

4.      Click on the Altiris Agent Installation menu entry.

5.      Click on the tab for either Install Altiris UNIX Agent or Install Altiris Macintosh Agent.

6.      Add a computer name or IP address and click Add.

7.      Click the computer entry in the list of computers just below the Add button.

8.      Click the Install Settings button. A new window will appear with four tabs.

9.      If you desire to modify the default settings, do so on the Agent Settings and Agent Details tabs. If you desire to use this same XML file on multiple computers, keep in mind that any changes made will be included in the resulting XML file and will be applied to all computers using this XML file.

10.  Select the Install XML tab and save it by clicking the Save as file button.

11.  Include this file when running aex-bootstrap, aex-upgrade or the aex-nsclt file on client computers.