Access is denied when attempting to delete PCT package from client computers
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Access is denied when attempting to delete PCT package from client computers


Article ID: 176515


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IT Management Suite


Clients cannot delete the PCT (PC Transplant) package because of a read only attribute that is set on a couple of files.

Large numbers of Item not found errors with the package GUID of the PCT package are appearing in the ItemNotFound directory on the server.

Priority: 4
Tick Count: 10820187
Process: AeXNSAgent.exe (1636)
Thread ID: 2424
Module: AeXSWDAgent.dll
Source: SWDAgent
Description: Deleting inactive package 'PC Transplant Capture Agent-Packet' PC Transplant Capture Agent Package#B4EE7B2B-58B8-462C-9069-845207D2FE01

Priority: 2
Tick Count: 10820250
Process: AeXNSAgent.exe (1636)
Thread ID: 2424
Module: AexPackageDelivery.dll
Source: RemoveDirectoryTree
Description: Cannot delete file: D:\ALTIRIS\ALTIRIS AGENT\Software Delivery\PC Transplant Capture Agent Package#B4EE7B2B-58B8-462C-9069-845207D2FE01\cache\AgentUpgrade.exe: Access is denied (5)

Priority: 2
Tick Count: 10820328
Process: AeXNSAgent.exe (1636)
Thread ID: 2424
Module: AexPackageDelivery.dll
Source: RemoveDirectoryTree
Description: Cannot delete file: D:\ALTIRIS\ALTIRIS AGENT\Software Delivery\PC Transplant Capture Agent Package#B4EE7B2B-58B8-462C-9069-845207D2FE01\cache\setup.iss: Access is denied (5)


ITMS 7.x, 8.x


Two files are set as read only on the client machines.


Run the following in a batch file on all client computers experiencing the problem. This could be run through a software delivery task, Deployment Server job, or any other means available.

attrib -R "C:\Program Files\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Software Delivery\{B4EE7B2B-58B8-462C-9069-845207D2FE01}\cache\setup.iss"
attrib -R "C:\Program Files\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Software Delivery\{B4EE7B2B-58B8-462C-9069-845207D2FE01}\cache\AgentUpgrade.exe"


A second script could then be run that would delete the package in question if it would help to have the cleanup happen quicker than the client would delete the files.