ClientNet Portal User Interface Refresh
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ClientNet Portal User Interface Refresh


Article ID: 176458


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The ClientNet portal UI is undergoing a refresh in early 2020. The changes are purely cosmetic and no functionality will be changed.

You may see an issue with the page rendering correctly or looking different than expected.


Changes that you will see are a refreshed login screen which will look as follows.






















Once logged in the biggest change will be to the primary navigation menu. Previously navigation was done using headings across the top of ClientNet, now this will be managed by icons representing each of those headings on the left-hand side of the screen. Below is the default view. 

This menu is expandable and when expanded shows the menu text as well as the icons as below.

When expaned there is a split two-level menu.

You can also see an index card view.

Other examples of how this change will look:


To resolve this you will need to clear your browser cookies and cache. Instructions to rectify this issue are available here.