Block users from Facebook messenger chat through Cloud SWG (formely WSS)
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Block users from Facebook messenger chat through Cloud SWG (formely WSS)


Article ID: 176454


Updated On:


Cloud Secure Web Gateway - Cloud SWG


Block user(s) or group(s) from sending messages through Facebook messenger chat but allow them to use Facebook


Apply the following Cloud SWG (formely WSS) block to Group A. 

The policy must be in Group A.  If not the user will experience a message that "Chat is currently unavailable" but still be able to send messages but not receive messages.  

1. Login to 

2. Navigate Policy > Content Filtering

3. Add Rule 

4. Add Sources: (Choose user(s) an/or group(s) you wish to block from messenger/chat

5. Add Destinations > Domain/URL

6. Add the URL's below and save:​

7. Verdict > Block

8. At the top of the page select "Move to Group A"

9. Save 

10. Activate the new rule