MS patch install returns 192 error
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MS patch install returns 192 error


Article ID: 176426


Updated On:


IT Management Suite Patch Management Solution


Customer states in their Classified environment they are getting an error 192 when trying to install a MS Patch.


NS without Internet connection


It is suspected that Deleting the SW Resource / Policy and recreating the Bulletin resolved this issue.  Exact steps customer performed are as follows:

  • Disabled the Policy this update was part of
  • Ran membership updates
  • Deleted the Policy
  • Set the Global Package setting to delete if unused for (0 days)
  • Ran the package integrity task
  • Cleared the package from the NS / Site Servers
  • Verified Cert was valid on NS / SQL
  • Recreated the policy
  • Updated client / verified package on client was valid
  • Ran Install verified install status success