Unable to create an OR rule in a Job Condition using Chrome or Firefox in 8.5 RU3
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Unable to create an OR rule in a Job Condition using Chrome or Firefox in 8.5 RU3


Article ID: 176366


Updated On:


IT Management Suite


You are creating or editing a Job in Manage > Jobs and Tasks and are using Chrome or Firefox to access the Console. You are creating or editing a condition and are adding a second OR rule. After adding the rule, clicking OK, and then editing the condition again you see that the rule type is AND instead of OR as expected.


ITMS 8.5 RU3 and using Chrome or Firefox to access the Symantec Management Platform Console. 




This issue has been fixed and will be included in 8.5 RU4 when it is released. 

As a workaround, use Internet Explorer to create or edit the condition rules if an OR rule is required