Surface Pro Drivers using Deployment Solutions - Deploy Anywhere
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Surface Pro Drivers using Deployment Solutions - Deploy Anywhere


Article ID: 176361


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Deployment Solution


Issues importing all drivers to DriversDB and having them all install correctly after imaging a surface pro.


Here is a method that worked well with Surface Pro drivers using 8.5 RU3.


1. Download and Extract the .msi from Microsoft using a cmd like this:

msiexec /a SurfacePro_Win10_161504_0.msi targetdir=C:\SurfaceProDrivers /qn

2. Drill into the Drivers folder.

3. Zip up each folder separately inside of the Drivers folder.

4.  Open Command prompt on the client to be imaged and run:  wmic csproduct get name (This is the Tag you will use during importing driver)

5. Import drivers through Driver manager with the tag above, starting with Display Drivers with "Include all files from the selected location into the Drivers package" Checked.


Then import the rest of the drivers without the option checked.


6. Update DriversDB package