CA Spool Java FSS initialization failed - Transformer Interface is halted
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CA Spool Java FSS initialization failed - Transformer Interface is halted


Article ID: 17634


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CA Spool selected a file that requires a transformation to go through the Java Transformers.
The CA Spool joblog normally shows a START command was issued to initialize the Java FSS task.

A few seconds after, messages are issued in the ESFLOG that indicates a problem occurred during the Java FSS initialization:

ESF4113 File   1740 - INIT failed, RC=12                                   
ESF4132 File   1740 ...... A2PC Transformation failed
ESF4117 Transformer Interface halted                                       

Looking at the Java FSS task output, the step terminated with return code 10 and the D2ELOG reports shows:
ESF4213 JNI CallStaticIntMethod failed with RC=10                    
ESF4209 Initialization failed. Correct above problems and restart FSS

The last record shown in the D2ETRACS (if tracing was active) is:


File system.log is not allocated in the xenos/reports directory or when allocated is for a prior Java FSS task.



Release: CMASLI00200-11.7-Spool-Print Management-Interface for HP Laser


Having the Java FSS task terminating with return code 10 during initialization is most often due to some bad syntax or something wrong happened while processing the initialization parameters.


With the particular case above it is likely that statement DEBUG in the cai.CBQ4PARM CAIQENVA member was commented out for debugging purpose:


File debug-IO.config includes two statements that require customization to point to the actual xenos/report directory name:


It can be done by either updating file debug-IO.config or by defining a symbolic link with the Unix command ln.


Additional Information

Please, refer to the  Java Transformers installation documentation for more information:

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