After upgrading to ITMS 8.5 RU3, when a computer is selected, under Manage > Computers-- in the right pane there is usually a section containing General, Hardware, Agent Health, and other client statistics are missing.
After upgrade to ITMS 8.5 RU3 didn't have the flipbook section for Computer view and/or for Software view:
SMP 8.5 RU3 (upgraded from a previous version)
Known issue. The problem arises for users who, before updating to the new version, resized panels. The panel's height was saved to the UI settings as a double type. After updating, the values of this type were processed incorrectly.
This issue was been reported to the Symantec Development team a fix was added to ITMS 8.5 RU4.
In the meantime, the following steps are recommended to address the issue with ITMS 8.5 RU3 release. The query below sets the height of the flipbook to the default value of a supported type:
-- create the temp table
Guid uniqueidentifier NOT NULL,
StateXml xml NOT NULL
INSERT INTO #xmldata
SELECT Guid, CAST (State AS XML ) AS [State]
-- update ComputerContentPaneHeight to default value
UPDATE #xmldata
SET StateXml.modify ('replace value of (//ComputerContentPaneHeight/text())[1] with "320"')
-- update SoftwareContentPaneHeight to default value
UPDATE #xmldata
SET StateXml.modify ('replace value of (//SoftwareContentPaneHeight/text())[1] with "320"')
-- update the original table using the primary key
SET Item.State = CAST(CAST( #xmldata.StateXml as nvarchar(max) ) as ntext )
INNER JOIN #xmldata ON Item.Guid = #xmldata.Guid
DROP TABLE #xmldata