DLP - E-mails are blocked, but the sender does not receive the blocked message pop-up
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DLP - E-mails are blocked, but the sender does not receive the blocked message pop-up


Article ID: 176317


Updated On: 05-08-2023


Data Loss Prevention Enforce


Symantec Data Loss Prevention (DLP) 
Network Prevent for Email

When the Enforce server is down, the e-mails are still blocked.
But the sender does not receive the blocked message pop-up.
When the Enforce server comes back on line, all the queued up block messages are delivered.

Is it possible to modify this behavior so the sender will receive the blocked messages even if the Enforce server is down?


This functionality is hard coded into the system.

The blocked messages come from the Enforce server.
If the Enforce server is off-line, the blocked messages will not be delivered to the sender of the e-mail.
Once the Enforce server is back on-line, it will receive the notifications from the Detection servers and then send all the queued block messages to the end user.

This cannot be modified.