Preparing the Oracle RDS for a Symantec Data Loss Prevention upgrade
The following Oracle RDS-related preparations must be made before you upgrade the Symantec Data Loss Prevention database schema.
Setting variables in the Oracle RDS database
You set the ORACLE_HOME, and java CLASSPATH: ORACLE_HOME variables before you begin the upgrade process. If you do not set these variables, you cannot complete the migration process during the Enforce Server upgrade process.
To set the variables:
- Log on as a domain user.
- In the command prompt, run the following command to set the ORACLE_HOME variable.
Confirm your Oracle version and installation path before setting this variable. For example:
set ORACLE_HOME=c:\oracle\product\\db_1
- Run the following command to set the java CLASSPATH: ORACLE_HOME variable:
- For Windows:
- For Linux:
Preparing to run the Update Readiness Tool for Oracle RDS
Preparing the Update Readiness Tool includes downloading the tool and moving it to the Enforce Server.
To prepare the Update Readiness Tool for Oracle RDS:
- Obtain the latest version of the tool (for both major or minor release versions of Symantec Data Loss Prevention) from the Broadcom support portal.
The latest version of the Update Readiness Tool includes important fixes and improvements, and should be the version that you use before attempting any upgrade.
Symantec recommends that you download the tool to the DLPDownloadHome\DLP\<version>\URT directory on the Enforce Server. Create the URT folder if it does not already exist.
- Unzip the tool, then copy the contents of the unzipped folder to the following location on
the Enforce Server. Do not unzip the tool as a folder to this location; the contents of the
tool folder must reside directly in the URT folder as specified:
c:\Program Files\Symantec\DataLossPrevention\EnforceServer\<version>\Protect\Migrator\URT\
- Copy oracle_create_user_aws_oracle_rds.sql to the ../URT/script folder.
This SQL script creates a schema with necessary privileges to the Oracle RDS.
Creating the Update Readiness Tool database account
You can run the Update Readiness Tool from the command prompt on the Enforce Server host computer.
To run the Update Readiness Tool for Oracle RDS:
- Logon as the RDS Master user.
The following steps use masteruser for the RDS Master user and password for the password. Enter information specific to your implementation for these values.
- Run the following script:
sqlplus masteruser/
- Run the following script to grant full access to the DATA_PUMP_DIR to the "protect" user.
SQL> GRANT read,write on DIRECTORY DATA_PUMP_DIR to protect;
- Run the following script to logon to the Oracle RDS:
sqlplus username/ Servicename
Replace username, password, and RDS Servicename with information specific to your implementation.
- Run the following script to create Update Readiness Tool database account:
SQL> @oracle_create_user_aws_oracle_rds.sql
- Enter the following information where prompted:
- Please enter required username to be created: protect_urt
- Please enter a password for the new username: protect
A message displays indicating that the process was succesfull.
Running the Update Readiness Tool for Oracle RDS
To run the Update Readiness Tool for Oracle RDS:
- Run the following command:
java UpdateReadinessTool
- Enter the following information when prompted:
- Please enter the database username: protect
- Please enter the database user password: protect
- Please enter the database readiness username: protect_urt
- Please enter the database readiness user password: protect
- Please enter the database service name:
After the test completes, you can locate the results in a log file in the /output directory. This directory is located where you extracted the Update Readiness Tool. If you do not include [--quick] when you run the tool, the test may take up to an hour to complete. You can verify the status of the test by reviewing log files in the /output directory.