Content is Not Allowed in Prolog when Loading Visual Policy Manager
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Content is Not Allowed in Prolog when Loading Visual Policy Manager


Article ID: 176152


Updated On:


Advanced Secure Gateway Software - ASG ProxySG Software - SGOS


- "Content is not allowed in prolog" error when loading Visual Policy Manager (VPM) after trying to install the VPM-XML file

- Installation of VPM-XML file said it was successful



"Content is not allowed in prolog" is typically encountered when there are special characters or something else before the XML declaration, or the XML declaration is not correct.



Make sure the XML declaration look something like this before installing the VPM-XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 

Notice how there is a space between " and ?>.

Also, make sure nothing is before the <?, and to try and eliminate any special hidden characters before the XML declaration, delete the <? and retype it, to overwrite the characters.

Proceed to re-install the VPM-XML file. More on how to reinstall can be found here.