A Package is not downloading from local Package Server
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A Package is not downloading from local Package Server


Article ID: 176150


Updated On:


IT Management Suite


A Package is not downloading from local Package Server.  Either it is not downloading at all, or it is downloading from somewhere else, like a Package Server near the NS.


ITMS 7.x and 8.x


  1. The Package is not being downloaded:
  2. The Agent is downloading from the NS or a close Site Server
  3. The agent is downloading from the wrong package server


  1. Make sure the agent is fully operational.
    • Agent is not stopped and is functioning properly.  Restart it if needed.
    • Codebases (UNC or HTTP(s)) are not available for the Local Package Server
    • Select the Package in the Package Server Agent UI, and Refresh Package Status
  2. Agent may not be in a Site
    • Make sure the system's subnet is assigned to a Site
    • If the System is in a Site, the Package Download will always come from the Site's Package Server, unless a timeout has occurred.
  3. The agent / subnet may be added to the wrong Site.

NOTE: It is possible to manually add agents to a specific Site Server if needed.