Reporter doesn't send snmp v2c trap for snmp server.
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Reporter doesn't send snmp v2c trap for snmp server.


Article ID: 176146


Updated On:


Reporter Reporter-S500 Reporter-VA


Reporter able to send alert by syslog when reach warning memory threshold however it doesn't transfer SNMP trap when reach the Administration>General settings>SYSTEM SETTINGS>ALERTS warning threshold.
How to setup transfer SNMP trap when reach memory alert threshold?


Reporter 10.6.x.x , 11.0.x.x


You need set health-monitoring from CLI if you want to send SNMP trap for SNMP manager because the memory alert setting of CLI and GUI setting are independent.


This is command sample to send SNMP traps to your SNMP manager IP
You need once restart Reporter appliance when finish step 8.

1.SNMP agent version setting
reporter(config)# snmp agent version v2c

2.SNMP community and sec-name setting
reporter(config)# snmp community public sec-name public

3.SNMP target setting
reporter(config)# snmp target SNMP_Manager ip v2c sec-name public
reporter(config)# snmp target SNMP_Manager tag SNMP_Manager

4.SNMP Notify setting
reporter(config)# snmp notify SNMP_Manager tag SNMP_Manager type trap

5.vacm group setting
reporter(config)# snmp vacm group public member public sec-model v2c

6.vacm view setting
reporter(config)# snmp vacm view bc subtree 1.3 included

7.vacm group access setting
reporter(config)# snmp vacm group public access v2c no-auth-no-priv read-view bc notify-view bc write-view bc setting
reporter(config)# health-monitoring metric cpu-util trap enable
reporter(config)# health-monitoring metric memory-util trap enable


Reporter_SNMP_trap.pcapng get_app