Where are the Workflow projects saved into repository stored physically?
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Where are the Workflow projects saved into repository stored physically?


Article ID: 176133


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Workflow Solution


Where are the Workflow projects saved into repository stored physically?


Workflow projects saved into repository are stored in SMP database (Symantec_CMDB).

Workflow Project (Inv_Symantec_Workflow_Project table)
- Association Workflow Project To Workflow Project Version(s)
Workflow Project Version (Inv_Symantec_Workflow_Project_Version table)
- Association Workflow Project Version To Workflow File(s)
Workflow File (Inv_Symantec_Workflow_File table)

Of course, all of these are Items as well. The actual files are saved in Item table, linked to Workflow File via Inv_Symantec_Workflow_File.FileDataId