Manual Customization of Messages for End-Users
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Manual Customization of Messages for End-Users


Article ID: 176076


Updated On:


Web Isolation


The messages and prompts to the end user on a Threat Isolation isolated browser are displayed in English. Some customers want to customize the messages for a more localized experience.


Threat Isolation lets the administrator override the messages displayed to the end users manually. In future versions, customization of end-user messages will be included with the Threat Isolation Management Console.

Manual procedure for editing localization resources on gateways as of version 1.13:

If you have more than one Threat Isolation Gateway, you will have to repeat this procedure for every gateway.

  1. Connect by ssh into your gateway.
  2. To edit the localization resource, run the following commands:

sudo su fireglass

cd /opt/fireglass/current/renderer_proxy/fg_app

vim src/services/localizationResources/localizationResource_en.ts

The vim editor appears.

  1. Edit the localization file:
    1. The localization file is a JSON file consisting of keys followed by their values, separated by a colon. When editing the file, do not change the keys. Change only the values, making sure you keep the double quotes on either side of the string you replace.
    2. While editing the values, do not change any variables that may appear inside the string. Variables are denoted by 3 enclosing brackets on each side, e.g. {{{VARIABLE.EN_US}}}. You can move the variables inside the string to comply with the grammar rules of the language.
    3. Do not change the structure of the file.
  1. Save your changes.
  2. Run the following:
    fgcli service restart client-isolation-frontend

Once you apply the manual localization procedure to all the gateways:

  1. Login into Management Console → System Configuration → Advanced Configuration
  2. Search for applicationServer.jsVersionSuffix and enter a different value from what is displayed.
  3. Click Push Settings.


NOTE: The procedure described above is a manual solution. Once a gateway on which this procedure was applied is upgraded to a newer version, any manual changes are lost. Therefore, you are advised to save a back-up of the file, for re-entering the values in any future version. You will also need to enter values for any new keys. In future versions, where the procedure will be centrally managed, you will need to re-enter the values from the Management Console. The values will need to be entered only once in the Management Console, and will survive future upgrades.