Setting up a Custom Security Role for creating and delivering Software Packages
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Setting up a Custom Security Role for creating and delivering Software Packages


Article ID: 176075


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Patch Management Solution for Windows IT Management Suite Inventory Solution Deployment Solution Software Management Solution


When trying to set up a custom security role for creating and managing software resources there are still security errors when trying to create the software resource. What security permissions need to be in place for a user to do this?

"The current user does not have required permissions to save item."

"Internal Server error.  Description: The server encountered a problem while performing the requested action."

"Unhandled exception.  Type=System.NullReferenceException Msg=Object reference not set to an instance of an object."


ITMS 8.x


The Custom Security Role does not have permissions required for accessing all the items loaded by the UI page. This returns an error like one of errors listed above.


In order to create and manage a software resource, the custom security role needs to be set up as follows:

  1. Initial Setup: Navigate to "Settings > Security > Roles". Right-click on the "Security Roles" folder and select "New > Security Role". Provide a name for the security role. Under the Membership tab, add the users or groups that you want to apply the role to.
  2. Privileges: Click the Privileges tab and check any privileges you would like the role to have. At a minimum, the following need to be checked:
    • Right-Click Menu - Actions
      • Edit Command Line
      • Edit Software Resource
      • Edit Package
  3. Permissions: Open up the Security Role Manager by selecting the General tab and clicking on "Show Security Role Manager Console". Using the View: dropdown, select each view listed below and enable the permissions as described.
    • All Data Classes - Add 'Read' rights to the following items:
      • Recommendation: Give New Role 'Read' access to ALL Data Classes.  
    • Resource Management - Set correct status on Filters and Organizational Views
      • Recommendation: Give New Role 'Read' and 'Write' access on Resource Management.  Click Save Changes, and Refresh the left side view.
        • This gives New Role rights to All Filters and All Computers.  You can modify the Filter selection as needed by removing or adding 'Read' permission as needed, after removing the 'Read' on Resource Management.
        • NOTE: In 8.5 RU2 giving 'Read' and 'Write' permissions to Resource Management resolved the error: 
          • "The current user does not have required permissions to save item."
      • If New Role DOES NOT need access to All Computers the following is required:
        • Expand Resources> Organizational Views> Default> All Resources> Asset> Network Resource and select Computer
        • With "Computer" selected, click "Advanced" in the lower right hand
        • Uncheck the box for "Inherit the permissions from the . . ."
        • Click Save changes
        • In the new popup, click COPY. VERY IMPORTANT DO NOT CLICK REMOVE
        • Select the name of the New Role you created, and click the red X to remove rights to all computers
          • This removes the New Role out of viewing all computers
        • Save changes
      • Add Computers (Scope) to this New Role by selecting the correct Organizational View and giving it 'Read' permission
        • If the New Role needs access to specific computers, please consider setting up the environment using KB179081 for ease in Administration.