Blocking download and upload of files on Web WhatsApp
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Blocking download and upload of files on Web WhatsApp


Article ID: 176011


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Cloud Secure Web Gateway - Cloud SWG


As an administrator, I would like to block downloads/uploads when using Web WhatsApp. The chats need to remain active and working.


Cloud Secure Web Gateway (formerly Web Security Service)


Web WhatsApp is accessed through the URL, files download and upload is done using the URL



There is an option to block the uploads via portal policy for the Web Whatsapp:

1. You can also block the image upload by blocking only the /MMS path in the whatsapp URL and the, by that you will not block the profile image loading and will block the upload for the whatsapp web.

The domain is now being used to access Web Whatsapp initial login, therefore, blocking download and upload while loading the application is no longer possible.

In order to block both downloads and uploads, you will need to block the entire Web App called Whatsapp

  1. Create a Content filtering policy under Group B and add a policy with the Web Whatsapp application, set to Block
  2. Additionally, another rule can give create to give specific users access to the application. The rule needs to be placed above the block.

 Note: If you are using Universal Policy Control (UPE). You will need to create a policy for these domains under the web access layer using VPM.