In order to configure a TLS interception policy, you need to:
- Login to Cloud Secure Web Gateway portal account.
- Go to Policy > TLS/SSL Interception > Expand TLS/SSL Interception Policy
- Click on Add Rule. There you configure the desired sources and destinations and select a verdict
The available options can be customized during the rule creation process
- Sources: Define policy that instructs the Cloud SWG service to not intercept SSL traffic from these sources. The portal enables you to select from previously defined lists or other elements as defined in your network.
- Destinations: Define policy that instructs Cloud SWG service to not intercept SSL traffic to these destinations. The portal enables you to select from previously defined lists or other elements as defined in your network.
- Verdict:
- To intercept traffic for your defined sources and/or destinations, click Intercept.
- To exempt traffic for your defined sources and/or destinations, click Do Not Intercept.

4. Click on Add Rule.
5. Click Activate once the rule is created to add the rule.