Unable to install or upgrade DCS Manager with an error that a restart is pending
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Unable to install or upgrade DCS Manager with an error that a restart is pending


Article ID: 175836


Updated On:


Data Center Security Server Advanced Data Center Security Server Data Center Security Monitoring Edition


You are trying to install or upgrade the Data Center Security DCS Manager on a server and you get below error message:

Computer restart from a previous installation is pending. You must restart your computer.

For more information, see the configuration log file in the tomcat\logs folder.


Data Center Security - All versions


Launch Registry Editor (regedit.exe)
Browse to below registry path and take a backup of  below key:

Locate and delete the DCSManagementSCW key

Reboot the server

Open an administrative command prompt, and change directory to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Data Center Security Server\Server\tools\wizard"
Run the following comand:
serverConfigWizard.bat -upgrade 

NOTE: For Tomcat Component Only, where there was no prior installation, Uninstall DCS manager from Control panel and then reinstall the DCS Manager.