When trying to load image on Reporter you receive the following message(s):
reporter(config)# installed-systems load http://<servername>/rpt_10_4_v50-240814.bcsi
% failed
% ErrorCode : -15130
% ErrorMessage : System error
% Reason : /data/bluecoat/clp_services/images/image.sys -> /tmp/mnt_sda1/sgos/boot/systems/system-7.si: No space left on device
reporter(config)# installed-systems load http://<servername>/rpt_10_4_v50-240814.bcsi
% failed
% ErrorCode : -15130
% ErrorMessage : System error
% Reason : /tmp/mnt_sda1/sgos/boot/systems/rpt_10_1-197833.si
Although the Reporter appliance has space you are unable to load the image.
Aug 23 13:19:01 reporter monitor_disk_space: WARNING: 96% of /swap in use, reclaiming space
Aug 23 13:19:01 reporter monitor_disk_space: /swap now 96% full
The Reporter appliance allows up to 6 images to be loaded however if there is not enough space you will see the above error message.
Remove any older images that are stored on the Reporter.