During installation of Protection Engine you encounter an error "If you plan on running the RPC protocol ...."
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During installation of Protection Engine you encounter an error "If you plan on running the RPC protocol ...."


Article ID: 175786


Updated On:


Protection Engine for Cloud Services Protection Engine for NAS



During the installation of Symantec Protection Engine (SPE) a Windows Installer error pops up preventing the completion of the installation.  By acknowlodging the error the installation allows completion.


The following error message occurs during the installation.




During the installation of Symantec Protection Engine the Microsoft Installer makes a call to the RegisterNULLPipe function.  As part of this process the registry path of HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Service\LanmanServer\Parameters keys are checked for values relating to NULL Pipes.  If expected keys do not exist the above error is thrown.

One or more of the following keys are missing:

  • AdjustedSessionPipes
  • NullSessionPipes



To resolve the issue you can manually add the missing registry keys using the following steps:

Note:  Registry key names and values are case sensitive.

  1. Open the windows registry. (regedit.exe)
  2. Navigate to HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Service\LanmanServer\Parameters
  3. Click Edit > New > DWORD(32 bit) Value
  4. Type:  AdjustedSessionPipes <enter>
  5. Open the newly created key and set the value to: 3
  6. Click OK to accept changes.
  7. Click Edit > New > Multi-String Value
  8. Type: NullSessionPipes  <enter>
  9. Open the newly created key and set the value to:  NTAPVSRQ
  10. Click OK to accept changes.
  11. Click OK to the popup warning concerning multi-string registry values.

Once you have completed the above steps perform a new installation of Symantec Protection Engine.