Symantec Endpoint Detection and Response's Mac CSA daemon will not launch, even after an uninstall and reinstall of the CSA daemon. When attempting to launch the daemon manually using launchctl a message stating that the "Service is disabled" is received.
"Service is disabled"
In this case the service has been disabled and cannot launch until the service is re-enabled. This is likely the result of the service having been unloaded using launchctl in conjunction with the -w switch, which will disable the service. This condition can remain even if the software is uninstalled and reinstalled
Re-enable the disabled service using the following command:
sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.Symantec.CollectionServiceAgent.Daemon.plist
You may be prompted to enter your password when running these commands. In some cases it is recommended you reboot the system after re-enabling the services to ensure everything loads correctly at boot.