In a certain situation, the DCS agent fails to install onto Windows 2008 and Windows 2008 SP1 machines.
Verify couldn't successfully validate process id: 2368 for 4 signature. ccVTErrorType = 3
Missing DLL
Windows 2008
Windows 2008 SP1
Machine has KB4507452 installed on the system hence, SymEFA installer was not able to verify c:\Windows\SysWOW64\MSIEXEC.EXE.
In this situation, 'TestVerifyTrust.exe' can’t verify the signature but signtool can. After further readings, when we installed KB4503271 on the same system, installation completed successfully.
To install and run DCS correctly we need KB4503271 and KB4507452 Windows updates must be installed on Win2k8 system.
Links for references
If these updates cannot be installed, DCS agent version 6.5.MP1.HF13 ( on Win2k8 systems.