URL Risk Levels
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URL Risk Levels


Article ID: 175589


Updated On: 08-01-2019


Email Security.cloud Email Threat Isolation Standalone Service


Administrators need to confirm why a URL is isolated or not isolated.


Email Threat Isolation


The URL isolation feature assesses URL risk levels to determine whether a URL is isolated.

  • URL Risk 1-3: URLs that come from trusted and reputable sources, with top-ranked sites and safe web traffic.
  • URL Risk 4-7: URLs that are very new or lack safe history, or those that show some suspicious behavior.
  • URL Risk 8-9: URLs with suspicious behavior, and some evidence of malicious activity.
  • URL Risk 10: URLs with strong evidence of malicious activity.


For URL risk levels 1-3, end users are redirected to the destination URLs as normal, with no isolation action.

For URL risk levels 4-7, all links are isolated with an option for the end user to break out of the isolation.

For URL risk levels 8-10, all links are isolated, and there is no option to break out of the isolation.


By downloading URL Isolation Incidents Report, the risk level of the URL can be confirmed.

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