Error during Activation:
An Administrator from your organization must sign up for the CloudSOC service. Please contact your Administrator...
CloudSOC Sysadmin performing the activation is not a member of the Salesforce System Administration Profile.
The following five requirements must be met in order to activate the Salesforce Securlet in CloudSOC:
● You must have one of the following Salesforce editions:
○ Group Edition
○ Professional Edition (EU cloud only)
○ Enterprise Edition
○ Unlimited Edition
○ Performance Edition
● The SalesForce Administrator must be part of the System Administrator Profile, not a cloned System Administrator Profile.
● You must have System Administrative privileges on the CloudSOC account being used to activate
● If you have IP restrictions in effect on your Salesforce account, you must do one of the following before you can successfully activate the Securlet:
○ Add IP ranges to the System Administrator account (US cloud installations only), then activate the Securlet.
○ Activate the Securlet and install its app, relax IP restrictions for the app, and then re-activate the Securlet.
-> Note: See the IP restrictions section in the Salesforce Securlet Tech Doc for more information.
● The email address you use as the username for the System Administrator login to your Salesforce account must be exactly the same as the email address that you use as your CloudSOC SysAdmin username. Furthermore, this email address must be within the primary or secondary domains listed for your CloudSOC account. To confirm, login to CloudSOC, go to the gear icon on the top right corner, then to General, and check your domains as shown below.
-> Note: If necessary login to your CMP portal, select your active CASB SaaS product, and add the needed secondary domain