Backup/Restore the PKI Backup
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Backup/Restore the PKI Backup


Article ID: 175514


Updated On:


SSL Visibility Appliance Software


Need to Backup/Restore PKI for SSL Visibility


SSLv 4.x


Backup :

  1. Log in to the WebUI of your SSL Visibility appliance running 4.x.

  2. Select (Platform Management) > Backup/Restore.

  1. In the Backup tab, select PKI only.
  2. Enter a password and enter it again to confirm

  3. Click OK. The encrypted .bin file is saved to your local system's Download folder.


Restore :

  1. Log in to the WebUI of your SSL Visibility appliance running 4.x.

  2. Select (Platform Management) > Backup/Restore.

  3. In the Restore tab, select PKI only.

  1. Click Choose File and select the .bin file you previously saved.

  2. Enter the password and click OK.

Additional Information

The back-up files are binary files which can only be read by SSL Visibility hardware.  The files are not text based and cannot be read or utilized by other devices.  Therefore, if you were to back-up the PKI files, they would not be able to be imported on another device and utilized.