Policy not triggering for Box Securlet after activating with Co-Admin
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Policy not triggering for Box Securlet after activating with Co-Admin


Article ID: 175505


Updated On:


CASB Security Standard CASB Security Advanced CASB Securlet SAAS CASB Security Premium


The Box Securlet has been activated using a Co-Admin and a policy has been created to trigger when files are shared publicly.  When sharing a file publicly the policy does not trigger as expected.

No error message is available for this issue.  The policy simply doesn't trigger as expected.


Box Securlet activated as a Co-Admin


There are limitations regarding the activation of the Box Securlet using a Co-Admin.

  • CloudSoc does not have visibility into the activities of Box Admin and other Co-Admins
  • CloudSoc cannot scan the documents of the Box Admin and other Co-Admins
  • CloudSoc cannot remediate the content of the Box Admin and other Co-Admins

In this specific situation the first two bullet points are the cause of a policy not alerting when a file is shared publicly.


Test the policy with a User account that is not a Co-Admin within Box.  The policy will trigger.

Symantec strongly recommends that a Box Administrator, NOT a Co-Admin, be used to activate the Box Securlet.