Clients started to image using Ghostcast when they are not supposed to.
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Clients started to image using Ghostcast when they are not supposed to.


Article ID: 175497


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Ghost Solution Suite


You sent a distribute disk image job with ghostcast method to a group of computers. Some of the computers were inactive and showed the status "Sending wake on lan". The other active computers went to WinPE, got imaged and came back to the production environment. Ghostcast UI as well as the Ghostsrv.exe application got terminated at that point. After a while, when the inactive computers became active in the console, they boot to WinPE and started to image. On the server, there was not Ghostcast UI but only the Ghostsrv.exe application were running which could be seen in the task manager.


Ghost Solution Suite 3.3




Workaround at this point is to only image the computers that are active in the console and make sure you assign the imaging to the computers which you actually want to be imaged.