How to upgrade to a new release of Symantec Cloud Workload Protection for Storage - Azure Blob
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How to upgrade to a new release of Symantec Cloud Workload Protection for Storage - Azure Blob


Article ID: 175470


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Cloud Workload Protection for Storage Cloud Workload Protection for Storage DLP


You would like to upgrade to a new release of Symantec Cloud Workload Protection for Azure, and want to know how to accomplish this.



You can upgrade to the newest release of the product to take advantage of new features. To install a new version of the software, you must perform certain tasks to ensure a successful upgrade.


Note: This process is specific to upgrading the software in environments where a compatible version of the product is already installed and is not a method for performing a new deployment.

You can upgrade the existing CWP for Storage Azure stack to the latest release of the product. 

Use one of the following methods to upgrade:
 Inline upgrade
          In this method, existing Controller and Protection Unit VMs are stopped and new VMs are deployed.
          See Upgrading the CWP for Storage Azure stack inline

 High-availability upgrade
          In this method, existing Controller and Protection Unit VMs are retained and new VMs are also deployed. You must stop the VMs manually through the Centralized console.
          See Upgrading the CWP for Storage Azure stack with high-availability

Note: This process is specific to upgrading the software in environments where a compatible version of the product is already installed and is not a method for performing a new deployment.

Upgrading the CWP for Storage Azure stack inline
In this method, when you upgrade to the latest CWP for Storage stack, your existing Controller and Protection VMs are stopped and new VMs are deployed.
Key points about the upgrade process
  • This upgrade process does not have any impact on existing configurations. Permissions and protection is resumed as previously configured after the upgrade is complete. 
  • We recommend that you select a non-peak hour window for this upgrade process. The Blobs uploaded during the down time window are processed post upgrade.


To upgrade the CWP for Storage Azure stack inline
1. Download the upgrade package from this KB:
2. Logon to your Azure account and launch the Azure Cloud Shell.
3. Run the following command to set the context to the subscription where update is required.
         Set-AzureRmContext -SubscriptionId $subscriptionID
4. Extract the downloaded package and upload the following files to Azure Cloud Shell inside the same folder.
  • updatecwps.ps1
  • mainTemplate_upgrade.json
5. Run the following command to change the directory.
           cd $home
6. Run the following command to execute the upgrade process:
Provide the following details:
  • Resource Group name where the CWP storage – Azure is deployed.
  • The last successful stack name for the CWP storage – Azure.
  • Enter No for the HA upgrade mode.
  • Existing Customer Secret Key, Virtual Machine password, and the Proxy password if configured.
           Note: VM and Proxy passwords must be known and are not retrievable.

Upgrading the CWP for Storage Azure stack with high-availability
In this method, when you upgrade to the latest CWP for Storage stack, your existing Controller and Protection Unit VMs are not stopped. New VMs are deployed that you must activate on the centralized cloud console.

Key points about the upgrade process
  • Ensure that no schedule scan is active during the upgrade process.
  • New Scale Set shares the same NRTS Queue.
  • New Scale Set shares the same virtual network.
  • This upgrade process does not have any impact on existing configurations. Permissions and protection is resumed as previously configured after the upgrade is complete. 


To upgrade the CWP for Storage Azure stack with high-availability
1. Download the upgrade package from this KB article.
2. Logon to your Azure account and launch the Azure Cloud Shell.
3. Run the following command to set the context to the subscription where update is required.
             Set-AzureRmContext -SubscriptionId $subscriptionID
4. Extract the downloaded package and upload the following files to Azure Cloud Shell inside the same folder.
  •  updatecwps.ps1
  •  mainTemplate_upgrade.json
5. Run the following command to change the directory.
             cd $home
6. Run the following command to execute the upgrade file:
Provide the following details:
  • Resource Group name where the CWP storage – Azure is deployed.
  • The last successful stack name for the CWP storage – Azure.
  • Yes for the HA upgrade mode.
  • New scale set name for CU and PU.
  • Please ensure that no schedule scan is active for the upgrade period. Press any key to continue.
  • Existing Customer Secret Key, Virtual Machine password, and the Proxy password if configured.
Note: VM and Proxy passwords must be known and are not retrievable.
7. On the CWP for Storage console, go to Storage->Controllers. New Controller for the same stack appears in the list.
8. Click the quick actions icon at the right side of the controller row and click one of the following:
  • Activate: Activates the new Controller. Old Controller is stopped and removed from the CWP for Storage console and Azure console.
Note: This step is irreversible. Before you activate ensure that the new Controller is generating the events.
  • Cancel: New Controller is stopped and removed from removed from the CWP for Storage console and Azure console.
Known Issues:
There is a known issue with the module AZ.Resources version 2.5.0 - and as a workaround you need to downgrade your Cloud Shell module version to  2.4.0.
After downgrading the version, the upgrade will work perfectly fine. Please use the below command to downgrade to version 2.4.0 -
     Install-Module -Name Az -RequiredVersion 4.5.0 -AllowClobber -AcceptLicense -Force
 Restart the cloud shell to reflect the changes.

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