How To Run Database Tablespaces Summary "Full Report" manually
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How To Run Database Tablespaces Summary "Full Report" manually


Article ID: 175169


Updated On: 10-04-2023


Data Loss Prevention Enforce Data Loss Prevention Oracle Standard Edition 2


The "Get Full Report" ("Update full report") button in the Enforce console does not generate a tablespace summary report. (System > Database > Tablespaces Summary). This is titled "DLP Database Diagnostics" in the HTML file created.

To generate one manually please see the below instructions. 


  1. Go on to the Enforce Server
  2. Navigate to the [SymantecDLP Install directory]\protect\scripts
  3. Open an Administrator Command Prompt in that directory or root privileged shell window in Linux.  
  4. connect to  sqlplus: 
    sqlplus /nolog
    conn protect@<SID or SERVICE_NAME
  5. Using sqlplus execute the tablespaces summary report: 
    @export_gather_stats.sql [NAME YOUR OUTPUT FILE].html
  6. Once the script completes you will find the report in the /scripts directory.
  7. See example below: 


Additional Information

This script can also be ran directly on the DB server separately. No modifications are necessary.