How to install Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) on a Debian Linux distro.
This article only applies to SEP for Linux versions 14.3 MP1 (build 14.3.1169) or older.
For SEP 14.3 RU1 (build 14.3.3384.1000) and later, please refer to the following article: Upgrading the Symantec Endpoint Protection Linux Agent or the Symantec Single Agent for Linux
Steps to install the Symantec Endpoint Protection for Linux (SEPFL) client on a Debian based Linux endpoint. This guide assumes that the user has successfully installed all required prerequisite packages and has exported the proper installation package from the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager (SEPM) or has downloaded the installer directly from Symantec.
To review the required prerequisites, please see Endpoint Protection for Linux - Debian Linux Installation Prerequisites.
To review how to export an installation package from a SEPM, please see Exporting client installation packages.
Installing the Endpoint Protection for Linux Client
1. Open a terminal window
2. Enter cd [DIRECTORY_PATH] - Where [DIRECTORY_PATH] is the directory where the client installation .zip package is located, i.e. /Desktop/
3. Enter tar -xvf [] -C [FOLDER_NAME] - Where [FOLDER_NAME] is the desired folder name where the contents of the .zip file will be unpacked
4. Enter cd [FOLDER_NAME]
5. Enter chmod 755
6. Enter sudo ./ -i
At this point, the install script will begin installing the SEP for Linux client on the endpoint.
Note: For an all-in-one prerequisite and SEP for Linux installation guide, please download the attached pdf document.