Encryption Management Server Web Email Protection password reset message has incorrect Subject
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Encryption Management Server Web Email Protection password reset message has incorrect Subject


Article ID: 175114


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Encryption Management Server Gateway Email Encryption


If a Web Email Protection or PDF Email Protection external user enters an incorrect passphrase too many times, their account is locked.

The Maximum Login Attempts is defined under Services / Web Email Protection / Options in the administration console. The default value is 3.

Encryption Management Server sends the external user an email based on the Message Template called Unlock Account. By default, this message has a Subject of Symantec Encryption Server Account Unlock.

However, if an administrator navigates to Mail / Message Templates in the administration console, they can change the Subject of this message. Therefore the Subject of the message that the external user receives may be different.

Once a Web Email Protection or PDF Email Protection user has unlocked their account they will usually need to reset their passphrase. They do this by clicking on the I lost my passphrase link from the Web Email Protection portal home page, entering their email address and clicking the Send button.

The following message is displayed. It refers to an email message with a Subject of Symantec Encryption Server Account Unlock. However, if the Encryption Management Server administrator has changed the Subject of the Message Template called Unlock Account, this change of Subject is not reflected here:

Passphrase Reset Message Sent

You will receive an email with a link to reset your passphrase.

If your account is in the "Locked" state, check your mailbox for the "Symantec Encryption Server Account Unlock" email from Symantec Encryption Server, and follow the instructions in the email to unlock your account.

Or please contact your administrator, if you do not receive the email.


Encryption Management Server 3.3.2 MP13 and above.


The text displayed in the Passphrase Reset Message Sent page of the Web Email Protection portal is defined in the ApplicationResources.properties file which is part of Web Email Protection Complete customization.

The ApplicationResources.properties file contains this:

password.recovery.email.sent=You will receive an email with a link to reset your passphrase.\n\nIf your account is in the "Locked" state, check your mailbox for the "Symantec Encryption Server Account Unlock" email from Symantec Encryption Server, and follow the instructions in the email to unlock your account.\n\nOr please contact your administrator, if you do not receive the email.

Note that there are different ApplicationResources.properties files for each language that Web Email Protection supports. The complete list is:

  1. ApplicationResources.properties
  2. ApplicationResources_de.properties
  3. ApplicationResources_en_GB.properties
  4. ApplicationResources_es.properties
  5. ApplicationResources_fr.properties
  6. ApplicationResources_ja.properties



The simplest solution to this issue is not to change the Subject of the Unlock Account template.

Alternatively, create a Complete customization Web Email Protection template and modify the default ApplicationResources*.properties files:

  1. From the administration console navigate to Services / Web Email Protection and click on the Add Template button.
  2. Choose to create a Complete Customization template and download the WebMessengerWeb.zip file containing the Default Web Email Protection Template Files.
  3. Complete the rest of the steps required to create the new template.
  4. Unzip the WebMessengerWeb.zip file
  5. The ApplicationResources*.properties files can be found in the web\resources folder.
  6. Make the necessary changes to the ApplicationResources*.properties files.
  7. Update the WebMessengerWeb.zip file with the changed files.
  8. In the administration console, navigate to Services / Web Email Protection and click on the template name to edit it.
  9. Upload the modified WebMessengerWeb.zip file.
  10. Set the new template as Active.

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