Reset macOS system proxy settings set by Web Traffic Redirection
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Reset macOS system proxy settings set by Web Traffic Redirection


Article ID: 175113


Updated On: 08-26-2019


Endpoint Protection Cloud Secure Web Gateway - Cloud SWG


When troubleshooting issues with Web Traffic Redirection (WTR) on the Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) for Mac client, it may be necessary to disable the feature. In rare circumstances, disabling WTR or uninstalling the SEP client may fail to restore the previous Automatic Proxy Configuration settings.


macOS 10.13+


Proxy settings for individual network interfaces on a Mac client can be reset to the OS default, by applying the steps below:

  1. Disable or remove the Integrations policy from the SEP for Mac client.
    • Optional: In some situations it may be appropriate to uninstall the SEP for Mac client.
  2. On your Mac open the Apple menu and choose System Preferences.
  3. Click Network to open the network settings window.
  4. Select the network service (interface) you use from the list (i.e. Ethernet or WiFi).
  5. Click Advanced, then click Proxies.
  6. De-select Automatic Proxy Configuration and remove the PAC URL.
    • If reconfiguring to custom settings, enter those settings in place of what WTR set.


Note: If the WTR feature is still enabled on the SEP client, changes made to the system proxy settings will be reverted back, by SEP WTR's Tamper Proofing feature, to match the Integrations policy configuration.