Power Scheme Task Plug-in installing even when the latest version is already installed with Deployment
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Power Scheme Task Plug-in installing even when the latest version is already installed with Deployment


Article ID: 175030


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IT Management Suite


Deploying an image with all the agents already installed.  When the SMP agent registers with the SMP it downloads the power scheme plugin and tries to install it even though the save version was already installed with when it was deployed.  This causes the agent to stop and restart and kills the other software delivery tasks.  

Software delivery task failed with exit code: -77. error message: Exiting task as either SWD Agent stop or task stop is requested.


ITMS 8.5 RU2





The agents are already deployed with software delivery.  When the computer is turned on and connected to the SMP server it registers the new agent with the SMP server.  The Power Scheme Task Plug-In Install policy has a default target Without PowerScheme Task Agent Installed.  Thas target is made up of Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/8/2012/10/2016/2019 Computers, Power Scheme Task Plug-in Installed and Windows Computers Requiring Symantec Management Agent Upgrade filters.

When the agent first registers it falls into the Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/8/2012/10/2016/2019 filter and since delta update has not populated the other two it downloads and installs it.    


If you deploy this agent with deployment you can go into the console and open the PowerScheme Task Plug-in Install policy.   In the "Applied to" section highlight the Without Power Scheme Task Agent Installed target.   Click the pencil icon.  When the Edit selected target windows open click the Clone checkbox.  Give the Target a new name and remove the Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/8/2012/10/2016/2019 Computers filter and save it.