Here is a way to customize PC Transplant to store the package in another location other than a Package Server. You will want to use a Copy File task to send down the Client package of PCT, and then use a Run Script task to execute the commands below. Your not able to run individually from the client due to license issues, you have to send it through the ITMS Console.
Deployment Solution 8.x
GSS 3.x
To store PC Transplant packages in a custom location, then a custom run script task can be created with below commands:
1. Example: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Altiris\PCT\PCTWiz.exe" -p:"C:\Users\username\Desktop\MaTest.pbt" -user:alt\admin -f:"%MI_DESKTOP%\Map.exe" -cmdverify
PCTWiz path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Altiris\PCT\PCTWiz.exe"
Template file path: -p:"C:\Users\name\Desktop\test.pbt"
User whose setting is to be captured: -user:<domain>\<user>
Path where to store the package: -f:"%MI_DESKTOP%\test2.exe"
Silent mode command line switch: -qm
To verify if the command written is right or not: -cmdverify //
2. Example: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Altiris\PCT\PCTWiz.exe" -p:"C:\Users\username\Desktop\MaTest.pbt" -usermap: C:\Users\username\Desktop\UserMapnew.txt -rt:"username"
PCTWiz path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Altiris\PCT\PCTWiz.exe"
Template file path: -p:"C:\Users\mnkumar\Desktop\test.pbt"
Contains the user which we want to map during migration: -usermap:"C:\Users\<user>\Desktop\UserMapnew.txt"
Computer name of the destination machine: -rt:network:"Computer Name"