In the Mainframe Application Tuner (MAT) Performance Management Assistant (PMA), how does one override the SYSDA value in the APCCJINV job?
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In the Mainframe Application Tuner (MAT) Performance Management Assistant (PMA), how does one override the SYSDA value in the APCCJINV job?


Article ID: 17451


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Mainframe Application Tuner


Job APCCJINV calls MAT in order to activate one or more CICS measurements. There is a step that adds control cards - one of them specifying SYSDA as a disk type. If SYSDA is not supported, then subsequent processing by TUNBATCH will fail. When one adds their own control cards, APCCJINV fails with duplicate control cards. 


Component: MATUNE


When one makes no attempt to override the SYSDA value during customization one receives output similar to this:


This is what it looks like in total:


How do you override the REPUNIT value of SYSDA? In order to override the value go to you hlq.PARMS member and do a search for RUSYSDA. For more information on this parameter please see the PMA Administration Guide, the section titled "Parameter File".

The unit is taken from the PMA parameter file, parameter id RU (column 1 + 2)


To change the unit definition please edit the PMA Parameter file and change the RU parameter line with the unit definition you want to use.

Example: if you want to user SYSALLDA then the parameter line is RUSYSALLDA.

In order to set the value correctly during PMA Customization, please NOTE that in the PMA Admin Guide, in the Customization Step 3, "Specify Operational Defaults", is where that parm gets it's initial value.