Agent not registered on Task Server. Authentication failed, response to server challenge denied, check credentials are correct, error: The logon attempt failed (0x8009030C)
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Agent not registered on Task Server. Authentication failed, response to server challenge denied, check credentials are correct, error: The logon attempt failed (0x8009030C)


Article ID: 174252


Updated On:


IT Management Suite


None of the agents are registering to a Task Server. Errors on the agent logs shows messages like these:

Entry 1:
Error code: HTTP error occured (0x80042D21)
Error note: Authentication failed, response to server challenge denied, check credentials are correct, error: The logon attempt failed (0x8009030C)

Entry 2:
Error code: HTTP status 401: The request requires user authentication (0x8FA10191)
Error note: Empty response content received


  • Operation 'Direct: Head' failed. 
    Protocol: HTTP 
    Host:notification server address
    Path: /Altiris/TaskManagement/CTAgent/GetClientTaskServers.aspx 
    Connection Id: 781.6792 
    Communication profile Id: {27FA61B3-B8EE-42E3-89D9-F5B44660BB09} 
    Throttling: 0 0 0 
    Error type: HTTP error Error code: HTTP status 401: The request requires user authentication (0x8FA10191) 
  • Error note: Authentication failed, server refused to authenticate with provided credentials
  • Operation 'Direct: Head' failed.
    Protocol: HTTPS
    Host: <servername>
    Path: /Altiris/TaskManagement/CTAgent/GetClientTaskServers.aspx
    Connection Id: 1162.8508
    Communication profile Id: {40765D26-1D8D-4BEA-8CB2-823504792603}
    Throttling: 0 0 0
    Error type: HTTP error
    Error code: HTTP error occured (0x80042D21)
    Error note: Authentication failed, response to server challenge denied, check credentials are correct, error: The logon attempt failed (0x8009030C)
    Server HTTPS connection info:
       Server certificate:
          Serial number: 22 32 0b 34 9f f7 29 af 48 b6 84 c5 ff ae 26 95
          Thumbprint: 54 36 bc 7a cb 24 8b 60 fc d5 31 1a 24 2e 1b a0 c9 ba 60 f7
       Cryptographic protocol: TLS 1.0
       Cipher suite: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
       Cipher algorithm: AES
       Cipher key length: 256
       Hash algorithm: SHA1
       Hash length: 160
       Key exchange algorithm: ECDH
       Key length: 255


ITMS 8.x


"Custom Agent Connectivity Credential defined for this profile" was set to use wrong credentials.


In Console Check:

  1.  Go to Settings> All Settings> Agent Settings> Symantec Management Agent> Symantec Management Agent Communication Profile> Notification server name 
  2.  Click on edit in front of "Custom Agent Connectivity Credential defined for this profile" and choose default one, or proper username password. 
  3.  Also, on the same Agent Communication Profile, under "SSL certificates are defined for current profile > Edit, add the proper TLS checkboxes for what is allowed in your environment (if you are not sure, make sure TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, and TLS 1.2 boxes are checked)