The following custom report will give you Policy name, list of bulletin's added in specific policy and Policy status i.e. Enabled or Disabled.
Patch Management Solution 8.x
Create a new SQL report and copy/paste below query:SELECT Distinct ir.ParentItemGuid as [policy GUID], sb2su.ParentResourceGuid [BulletinGuid],sb.Name as [Bulletin Name], i.Name as [Policy Name],
WHEN ia.Enabled = 1 THEN 'Enabled'
WHEN ia.Enabled = 0 THEN 'Disabled'
ELSE '<<< Unknown >>>'
AS [Policy Status]
FROM ItemReference ir
inner join ResourceAssociation sb2su on sb2su.ChildResourceGuid = ir.ChildItemGuid
and ir.Hint like 'policy_swu'
inner join Item i on i.Guid = ir.ParentItemGuid
inner join vPMCore_SoftwareBulletin sb on sb2su.ParentResourceGuid = sb.Guid
inner join ItemActive ia on ia.Guid=ir.ParentItemGuid
where sb2su.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid = '7EEAB03A-839C-458D-9AF2-55DB6B173293'
order by sb.Name
Example result set: