You want to check the current status of Data Center Security (DCS) agent repository and enable or disable it.
DCS Agent 6.7 MP2 or greater on Linux operating systems
DCS repository is enabled by default at agent installation or upgradation, unless purposefully disabled.
The command to disable any repository is:
yum-config-manager --disable
yum-config-manager --disable SDCSS-Updates
The command to enable DCS repository is:
yum-config-manager --enable SDCSS-Updates
The sdcss.repo file (location: /etc/yum.repos.d/) stores the repository enablement status as enabled=1 (default value). This value can be changed to "0" to disable the repository or to '1' to enable it. Changes made here reflect in the "yum repolist all" output & can be reverified this way.