You can update the CCS Agent content by using the CCS.tpk manually or use the Agent Content Update job.
To update the CCS Agent content using Agent Content Update job
Run the Agent Content Update job from Assets > Agents or from the Jobs workspace.
Under the agent content version, the raw-data content version is updated to 2016-2.
To update the CCS Agent content manually
Copy the relevant .tpk file to the agent computer.
For example:
Windows computer win-x86\11.10_ccs.tpk
Microsoft SQL computers 11.10_ccsmssql.tpi
UNIX UNIX\Linux\intel\ccs.tpk
OracleUNIX 11.10_ccsoracle.tpi
Double-click the relevant tpk file and provide the required inputs.
Under the agent content version the raw-data content version is updated to