Custom report showing Latest Log-on, Log-Off, machine start and machine shut-down time
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Custom report showing Latest Log-on, Log-Off, machine start and machine shut-down time


Article ID: 174116


Updated On:


IT Management Suite


Custom SQL report that would show the Latest Log-on, Log-Off, machine start and machine shut-down time along with logged in User on a Computer.



ITMS 8.x, 8.7.x


Create a SQL report on Symantec Management Console that should give you this information and use below SQL query:


select lo1._ResourceGuid _Guid, cid.[Name] Computer,
 (lo1.Domain + '\' + lo1.[User]) [User],
 lo1.[Event], lo1._eventTime [Event Time]
from Evt_AeX_Client_LogOn lo1
 join Inv_AeX_AC_Identification cid
  on cid._ResourceGuid = lo1._ResourceGuid
where exists
 select _ResourceGuid, _eventTime
  select lo2._ResourceGuid, max(lo2._eventTime) _eventTime
  from Evt_AeX_Client_LogOn lo2
  group by lo2._ResourceGuid, lo2.[Event]
 ) lo3
 where lo1._ResourceGuid = lo3._ResourceGuid
  and lo1._eventTime = lo3._eventTime
order by [User] asc, [Event Time] desc


NOTE: Please note that Broadcom Support does not support custom scripting or reporting so modifications to the script and report must be made by the user. Please contact Broadcom Consulting Services for assistance with creating custom inventory scripts or custom reports, who can be reached here: