Limit Internet access using time quota in ProxySG
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Limit Internet access using time quota in ProxySG


Article ID: 173976


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Advanced Secure Gateway Software - ASG ProxySG Software - SGOS


  • Want to limit internet access on basis on time. E.g. : User is only allowed 1 hour daily to watch YouTube.
  • How to use time quota object in VPM
  • Limit a User's Daily Access to YouTube Videos


Steps found in the ProxySG Administrator Guide here

Time quotas: Limit the amount of time that users can spend on the Internet or Internet resource during a specific period of time.
The time recorded in a quota is determined by the timing of client requests. If any client requests are initiated within a 60- second time period, the time in the user's quota increases by one minute. If any client requests are initiated after a 60-second time period has elapsed, a new 60-second time period begins and the time in the quota is increased by another minute. This continues until the time quota is reached.

Note: To apply time quotas to HTTPS requests, SSL interception policy must be enabled on the appliance.

Note: Before installing quota policy, the quota library in the CLI must be enabled. Issue the following command:
#(config)policy quota

Restricting a user's access to YouTube videos to 30 minutes a day within a specified period of time. Create the following policy:

  1. Ensure that SSL interception is enabled via policy.
  2. In the Management Console, select Configuration > Policy > Visual Policy Manager and click Launch.
  3. In the VPM, add a new Web Access Layer (Policy > Add Web Access Layer).
  4. Create a rule with the following settings:
    • In the Source column, set the User object. Specify the user,authentication realm, and full name (if applicable). Click OK.
    • In the Destination column, set the Request URL Application object. Select YouTube and click OK.
    • In the Service column, leave the selection as Any.
    • In the Time column, set the Time object. In the Between section, specify the hours 09:00 and 13:00. Click OK.
    • In the Action column, set the Time Quota object. For the Quota period, select Daily. For the Quota amount, select 30 for Min. To present an exception page when the user reaches 75% of the quota (about 20 minutes), select 75% under Warning threshold.
     5. Install the policy