SEP Mobile - Error during initial activation #7154 / #9154
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SEP Mobile - Error during initial activation #7154 / #9154


Article ID: 173964


Updated On: 12-03-2021


Endpoint Protection Mobile


During the initial setup of SEP Mobile, an error returns - 7154 or 9154.

 Something went wrong (error code #7154 / #9154). Please contact our support for assistance: 


SEP Mobile environment which has an MDM integration, in which SEP Mobile is performing an 'automated' login process. 


As part of the SEP Mobile integration with a Mobile Device Management ("MDM") solution, the SEP Mobile application is retrieving the 'application configuration' from the MDM application, as an 'app to app' communication, which allows authenticating the device in an automated manner, to avoid having the End Users to authenticate with their corporate email address. The 'application configuration' consists of the (1) End User's Email, (2) Device unique identifier, and the (3) SEP Mobile associated environment's identifying token. 

When SEP Mobile fails to automatically log in the device with the mentioned 'application configuration', error 7154 / 9154 results. 


SEP Mobile wasn't able to 'automatically' active the device, as part of fetching the 'application configuration' and verifying the device with the customer's MDM solution. 

Possible causes and solutions: 

1. The SEP Mobile environment's integration with the customer's MDM is not healthy or had a malfunction during the time the device attempted enrollment. The customer administrator with access to the SEP Mobile Management Console can view the integration's health status under Settings -> Integrations. Any visible errors will be shown with reasoning and remediations instructions under the 'Integration Status' pane:


2. If the errors are exhibited by multiple devices, it is most likely that the 'application configuration' setup in the MDM solution, is not set up properly. Work with the most recent 'Integration Guide' (a link is available under Settings -> Integrations -> <MDM solution> (i.e "AirWatch"/ "Intune", etc.) -> EMM Integration Selection -> Integration setup guide, to confirm the 'application configuration' part of the set up.  Note that Intune does not need an Android App Config, adding one will cause 7154 errors as that is only needed for iOS on Intune.


3. If the errors in enrolling SEP Mobile is not replicating amongst other devices constantly, it might be that the device which experiences this issue is not properly associated with a Symantec Security Group which are part of the sync between SEP Mobile and the MDM Solution. The 'synced' Security Groups are visible under Settings -> Integrations -> <MDM solution> (i.e "AirWatch"/ "Intune", etc.) -> Basic Setup ->  Symantec Security Groups. 


4. The MDM application (i.e - 'Microsoft Intune Company Portal' for the Microsoft Intune MDM integration) doesn't exist or properly activated on the End User's device. Work to confirm the MDM application is activated and running.