Multiple scenarios cause these error messages.
"Unable to get the client certificate associated with the specified request (Request: <resource typeGuid=""{2C3CB3BB-FEE9-48DF-804F-90856198B600}"" name=""ENDPOINT"
, Error 80076003 Exception: Certificate can't be issued for agent.)" ,"Altiris.NS.AgentManagement.NegotiateCertificateRequest.GenerateLegacyResponse","Altiris.NS.dll","Errors"
"Too much certificates issued for resource: bbdbe6ef-85eb-407e-857e-f381e966f261","Altiris.NS.AgentManagement.AgentCertificateDistributer.IssueCertificateUnderCountControl","Altiris.NS.dll"
Symantec Management Platform 8.x
Computer resources were migrated to the new SMP Server, but Agent certificates were not migrated.
CEM Agent package was used to reinstall the Agent on a system that was already CEM enabled on the SMP. This causes too many Certificates issued for resource error message.
Query to search for clients with associated client certificates, but no certificate to load.
Select * from [ResourceAssociation]
Where ([ResourceAssociationTypeGuid] = 'fd859758-beca-4cac-992f-555803651c0d'
OR [ResourceAssociationTypeGuid] = 'd2c3dacc-5e96-4d23-b39b-87dca7b74533')
AND ChildResourceGuid NOT IN
(SELECT _ResourceGuid FROM Inv_Digital_Certificate_Details)
If the query returns results and there are large numbers of problematic computers, they will need to be remedied from the SMP console. See below.
Due to security reasons (in case of the stolen package, you will be able to issue several valid CEM certificates for the computer), installation from the CEM package can request only one set of CEM certificates per computer. If the specified computer resource already has CEM associated certificates - the request will fail with a specified error.
Two ways to remediate:
To Revoke Certificate:
In one observed instance of this issue we were unable to revoke/renew certificates on affected endpoints and deleting from the console didn't resolve their issue. However, uninstalling/reinstalling the agent proved effective.