When using a custom answer file for a Sysprepped distribute image job what is required of the unattended.xml
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When using a custom answer file for a Sysprepped distribute image job what is required of the unattended.xml


Article ID: 173633


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Ghost Solution Suite


When a Ghost image is created with the use Sysprep option then it has certain built in items included or needing to be included in it's unattended answer file.    There are times when a customer might have additions to the built in unattended.xml file that is used by Ghost upon restoration of the image.    


No error is seen if the required items are included in the unattended.xml file that is then used with the Distribute disk image job. 


Ghost Solution Suite (GSS)  3.x 
Microsoft OS's Vista and later


The use of a customer supplied unattended.xml file is an option but the file needs to include certain items for it to work correctly with the distribute disk image job.  Make a copy of the following file and use it for a starting point for any distribute disk image jobs that require a custom answer file.   Once copied, any additional information that is needed to perform a custom Sysprep restoration can be added to this base standardvista.xml file.   Make sure you make a copy never modify the original. The modified .xml should be saved in the same directory as the original.


In the Distribute Disk Image job there is a check box "Selected Image was prepared using Sysprep"  and a Sysprep Settings button.  
Select the check box and then the Sysprep Settings box. 
In the Sysprep Advanced Settings - Deploy image pop up
      Specify the Operating System from the drop down. 
      Specify the Product Key from the drop down
      Select the "Use the following answer file" 
      Select the envelope to browse to the unattended.xml file that has been modified to include any customizations that are needed.