When accessing the "Shared Schedules" UI under "Settings > Notification Server > Shared Schedules", in the upper right corner is the option to choose either "Shared Schedules Only" or "All Schedules"
It is when "All Schedules" is chosen that the UI halts with the error: "XML parsing: line 2, character 39, illegal xml character"
ITMS 8.x
Hundreds of thousands of "Agent Push" tasks exist in the ITEM table. These were old tasks that had never been deleted. Some of the tasks contain (along with the schedule) an encrypted password whose characters could not be properly escaped (formatted to be rendered in XML format) Characters such as ?, # etc.
Run the following Query to see how many Agent push tasks exist:
SELECT count(*)
FROM vItem
WHERE ClassGuid = '2375E0E2-6B22-4681-B982-1BA4C8C73E47'
If the previous query returned any rows, run the following SQL against the database (using SQL Management Studio) then run the NS.Quarterly Hour... schedule in Windows Task Scheduler.
SELECT Guid, getdate()
FROM vItem
WHERE ClassGuid = '2375E0E2-6B22-4681-B982-1BA4C8C73E47'