"Could not restart the appliance after a successful software update" after successful update
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"Could not restart the appliance after a successful software update" after successful update


Article ID: 173559


Updated On:


Endpoint Detection and Response Advanced Threat Protection Platform


After successfully updating the Symantec Endpoint Detection and Response (SEDR) appliance and rebooting, the error "Could not restart the appliance after a successful software update" is displayed in the GUI or when running "update status".  The "Reboot" and "Shutdown" options from the GUI may not be available due to the message "update in progress".

"Could not restart the appliance after a successful software update"


An internal software update status file was not updated correctly during the upgrade.


  1. Log in to the Command Line Interface (CLI) as "admin"
  2. Run the command update clear_update_state
  3. Refresh the Graphical User Interface (GUI) after about 5 to 15 minutes